
2021年11月17日—The260characterlimithasbeencripplingtotheuserovertheyears.Itonlytakessomeonetochange(lengthen)afoldernamefurtherupthe ...,2023年9月4日—Ithasbeen7years,1monthand2dayssinceyoureleasedWindows101607,withwhichwegotheavilyrequestedsupportforNTFSLongPath.,2023年5月4日—Windowsallowsyoutohaveupto260charactersinyourpathsbydefault.Thesystemwilldisplaya“PathTooLong”ifyouexceedthislimit.,Uti...

Why isn't long paths enabled by default in windows 11.

2021年11月17日 — The 260 character limit has been crippling to the user over the years. It only takes someone to change (lengthen) a folder name further up the ...

Dear Microsoft, Long Path still not supported in File Explorer

2023年9月4日 — It has been 7 years, 1 month and 2 days since you released Windows 10 1607, with which we got heavily requested support for NTFS Long Path.

How to Fix the “Path Too Long” Error on Windows

2023年5月4日 — Windows allows you to have up to 260 characters in your paths by default. The system will display a “Path Too Long” if you exceed this limit.


Utilize UNC pathing in Windows Explorer. Note: This allows you to browse down the sub-folders to a path length of ~512 characters below the Network Mapped Drive ...

Maximum Path Length Limitation

2022年7月18日 — The maximum path of 32,767 characters is approximate, because the --?- prefix may be expanded to a longer string by the system at run time, ...

Enable long paths on Win 11 Home

2023年9月9日 — The proper way to enable long paths in Windows is documented here. It can be implemented by dropping the following into a .reg file and ...

How to change the default 256 character path limitation ...

2023年10月8日 — By default, Windows uses a path length limitation (MAX_PATH) of 256 characters: Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces. Starting in Windows 10 ...

Path Too Long error still in 2023

2023年12月11日 — are limited to 260 characters. Side note: Mac OS has a similar limitation in finder, but it is much larger, around 1016 characters.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
